Buku Tamu

Hendra, Bandung
Sungguh sangat di sayangkan jika membaca blog ini..Akan merusak nama sesama pengendara tiger http://insidengandariahtbc25sept.blogspot.com/2010/09/insidengandariahtbc25sept.html
[27 September 2010 @13:51]

sgucci, damai3
wah...bro2 smua...gw ada ide mo minta masukan aja neh .. gw lagi pasang GPS di Tiger gw..., dimana GPS-nya bisa/dapat termonitoring di website...Jadi deh motor gw bisa kedetesi posisinya..ha..ha..ada yg minat luncur aja ke learning center search on google: sgucci.blogspot.com
[25 Agustus 2010 @16:22]

reaz, semarang
emp_reza@yahoo.com tiger is my blood...
[21 Juli 2010 @13:20]

Peter JET, Jambi
Maju trus Tigerist.persaudaraan tanpa batas ..
[18 Juli 2010 @00:48]

salam kenal buat semua pecinta motor TIGER .. ..
[16 Juli 2010 @19:48]

iwan, jatiwaringin
alo permisi mas bro semua boleh tanya gag,di mana ya beli spacer gear dpn tuk tigi yg udah pake pelek n ban gede??? regards iwan s 021-95597852
[27 Mei 2010 @20:50]

ALL : silahkan join grup kami di facaebook "Pondok Gede Tiger CLub"
[25 Mei 2010 @20:36]

Aji Ismoyo, Jakarta
Salam kenal bro... kenalkan Aji ( United Tractor Owners Motor Community) UTOMC 035, mo tanya klo Supra 125 cocoknya pake bok ukuran maksimalnya berapa...salam keep brother hood
[20 Mei 2010 @22:27]

Wienchoi, Jaktim
Salam kenal Bro .. Saya Erwien & tinggal di daerah kodam jatiwaringin, saat ini bekerja pada Sold Agent & Distrib OLI REPSOL divisi PCMO (Oli Khusus Mobil), barangkali Mas Bro semua menginginkan Oli Motor REPSOL, Insyaallah saya bisa ngusahaain dengan harga yg competitip .. Saat ini saya punya stock OLI REPSOL MOTO SINTETICO 10 W 40 sebanyak 1 Dus = 12 Pcs. Barangkali ada yg berminat, bisa contact saya by email or SMS di nomor : Mentari 0815 7512 2112 Flexi 021 7102 9788 Trims Mas Bro semua .. ... Salam
[8 Mei 2010 @08:25]

Armed_031, DTC Plus Cikarang
Salam bikers.. Kami lihat PGTC hebat y punya sie IT_nya jg. Bro bs mt tlg bimbing DTC gk buat bikin web ky PGTC?? Jika gak kebratan, alya kami belum punya sie IT.. Sebelumya kami ucapkan terima kasih.
[25 April 2010 @11:17]

Image of mouse with pen.Image of mouse with pen.Image of mouse with pen.
Pesan-pesan terbaru ... 2010
Hello, My name is Angelica Preda and I have met Sister Maeve at St Joseph Nursing School in Bucharest, in 2002. I would love to thank her, for all the great help she offered me. If there is any chance, I would like to contact Sister Maeve Shannon. God bless!
Angelica Preda
At last my website (www.unabarry.com) has gone live today!   Peter Lurie, who is a very good South African tenor friend of mine whom I met whilst singing in Germany, designed and set up the whole thing for me.  He now works as a freelance designer of websites, so if you like mine, and you know of anyone who would also like a website, then can I suggest you contact Peter at peter.lurie@gmail.competer.lurie@gmail.competer.lurie@gmail.competer.lurie@gmail.competer.lurie@gmail.competer.lurie@gmail.com   and his own site (www.lightworkerarts.com) is linked into mine - .        Peter will be in London until the end of November before returning to Germany for a while.  He has good ideas, is reasonably priced for the amount of work, care and effort he puts into his sites.       There are some small minor corrections to be made to mine, some of which is my job to sort out, as well as put on some recordings and more recent photos from Africa.  But I am very pleased with what Peter has done and it's there for posterity in this fast moving age of technology!     unambarry@btinternet.com    unambarry@btinternet.com    unambarry@btinternet.com    unambarry@btinternet.com    unambarry@btinternet.com    unambarry@btinternet.com Una Barry Dear FCJ sisters, Am so grateful to have visited your site after being refered there by Fr.Paschal. I need to get in touch with any sister who can be my guide towards discernment as I pray that I am addmitted to join these sisters one time in my life. I am an a nursing assistant in Mid wifery and fully employed but ready to leave my job and join these sisters. Stay blessed to all of you. Noreen Namwanje My name is Marlene Lawrence and I attended Saint Victoires between 1963 and 1967 and then moved to the United States with my family.  It would really be fun to hear from any women that attended during those years.  I was saddened to hear that Mother Josephine died and think it would be a nice idea to have a London get together with other attendees or graduates.  If anyone remembers me and wishes to get in touch or would like to organize a reunion please say hello by email. F.S.F. always helped me keep my life together all these years and I will always be grateful to St. Vic's. marlenelawrence2003@yahoo.commarlenelawrence2003@yahoo.commarlenelawrence2003@yahoo.commarlenelawrence2003@yahoo.commarlenelawrence2003@yahoo.commarlenelawrence2003@yahoo.com Marlene Lawrence
Memories of St. Aloysius: It was so great to find this site, and the first visitor's letter I see is from someone I remember from St. Aloysius! I was there 1953-1955, having gone to Bellerive (also FCJ) in Liverpool, 1947-1953. I remember Pam Harris, too, as of course Frances McKenna, with whom I ran around in school, together with Pat Collins, Mary Williams and Vivian Woodham, a friend of Frances. I also have very fond memories of most of the teachers and nuns mentioned, especially Mother Dorothy, who once chased me all around the school and caught me! She was one spry lady. I am so grateful to them all for what they taught me, although I did not know all of the ones mentioned by Pam. I also remember Miss Gorman (English) Miss Russell (Latin). After St. Aloysius, I went to La Chassotte, (another FCJ convent) in Fribourg, Switzerland 1955-1956, after which I returned with my parents to their country of origin, El Salvador. My name at that time was Ileana Serrano, I am now an American named Ileana Bash, and I live in Sandy, Utah, in the United States with my husband. I am so thrilled to have found this site and hope to find more news of people I knew when I was in Europe. I am also very grateful for all I learned at the FCJ schools I attended, it has helped me in life. I am retired military, but I'm still working as a translator, Spanish to English, locally. Ileana Bash (email)(email)(email)(email)(email)(email)
Comme une flamme ardent: Mes cheres Soeurs, I am looking for details of dear Sr Thérèse de Rancé's book, Comme une Flamme Ardente. My cherished copy was given to a French teacher and alas we no longer have a copy. For the present, I simply need date of publication and the name of the publisher. However if another copy could come to Australia that would be wonderful. Madeleine Bothams,nee Grogan,sister of Patricia Grogan FCJ died on June 26th 2010. I still have very happy memories of my tertain days at Rue de la Santé in 1979, when we were priveleged to have Patricia and Thérèse inspire us with their own great love of Marie Madeleine. Those days with all the dear French sisters who lived there at that time made a deep and lasting impression. In companionship. Margaret Claver fcJ (email)(email)(email)(email)(email)(email)
My name is Eileen Sayers Corba. I'm living in the US now and was just talking to Susan Stokeld. We would love to get in touch with anyone who remembers us. Kind Regards. Eileen Corba (email)(email)(email)(email)(email)(email)
Hello, I would like to contact anyone in my class from 52 to 56...............susan stokeld of the 'chain gang'.............thank you! I would like to know how to contact chums from the fifties.....thank you! Susan Stokeld (email)(email)(email)(email)(email)(email)
Does anyone have any photos for that celebration we had on that Saturday at the Metropolitan Cathedral. I was the soprano soloist who travelled up from London in all adversity, an old St Victoire's Convent School girl with Josephine Clayton as my head teacher, who died just after my Dad died just a few months before that Mass. I was unable to attend Jo's funeral as I'd only just buried my Dad, but came to sing and dedicate my solo to her. Have been trying to get some photos of that occasion for more than a year and there was a photographer there, so I just wondered where they photos went? Many thanks, and a very happy New Year. Una Barry (email)(email)(email)(email)(email)(email)       (NOTE: webwriters do not have these photos!)
I found your website by accident and it brought back many memories. As Pam Harris I lived in Chelsea and still live nearby in Pimlico. I would love to hear from anybody who remembers me.  (email)(email)(email)(email)(email)(email)       I have many happy memories of my time at St. Aloysius .Phoenix Rd. between 1951 and 1958. I realized long ago that the education I received there was second to none. We were encouraged to aim for the highest achievements academically, spiritually and personally. I am grateful for the care and discipline of the teachers and staff. I remember especially Miss Cunningham (English). Miss Worthington (Malhs), Mrs Hutchison (Science and Latin),  Mrs Thomas (Music).  Mother Theodore was headteacher followed by Mother Patricia. Mother Agatha was feared by all. She was the guardian of the skin length and uniform blemish as she stood on duty by the entrance, morning and evening. As I got older I recognised that behind her fierce appearance was a sense of humour. I also remember Mother Alice and dear Mother Dorothy.      I worked in industry for five years, gaining HNC qualifications in Chemistry, before marrying and spending twelve years at home bringing up three children. During this time I gained a B.Ed.Honours Degree at London University followed later by a Diploma in Education. I taught at local primary schools in Pimlico for twenty five years and loved every minute of it.      Thank you to the FCJs for the provision of such good education. Because of it I have lived a very happy and fulfilled life.      I would love to hear from anyone who knows me. Some names I remember are Pamela Sabini, Eileen Devitt, Rita Skillen, Pattie Smith, Pat Fitzgerald, Joy Clatworthy, Julie Francis, Valerie Bryant, Maureen McNicholas and Patricia Collins.       I saw on a message posted in 2001 from a Doug Shaw (Canada) the name Sister Francis McKenna.  I think this is the Francis McKenna I knew at Phoenix Rd. I remember her with much affection. She wore dark rimmed glasses and was very quiet and thoughtful but had a wicked sense of humour. She surprised as all at the end of VI form by announcing that she was entering the order of FCJs.       I am retired now, have been happily married for nearly fifty years, have nine grandchildren and spend my time between London and Brighton. I am still very active (swim daily) and tutor grandchildren for GCSE in Chemistry and French.  I hope that schools such as St. Aloysius, now Maria Fidelis, continue to thrive and provide the same solid education for many years. Pam Duley (née Harris), England
Buongiorno mia sorella, sono felice di fare la vostra conoscenza attraverso il vostro sito e sono stato toccato veramente dal vostro carisma e la vostra spiritualità ed amerò servire il Signore nella vostra congregazione.  Sono in una famiglia impegnata nella chiesa cattolica ed io stesso.  Sono Gwladys Estelle NGUIGNONG, sono della nazionalità del Camerun e sono a Yaoundé per i miei studi.  Vi auguro un'eccellente festa. Gwladys, Camerun
Translation: Hello Sisters, I am happy to make your acquaintance through your web site and I am truly touched by your charism, spirituality and loving service of the Lord in your congregation.  Both my family and I are committed to the Catholic Church.  My name is Gwladys Estelle Nguignog, from the Cameroon and I am at Yaoundé for my studies.  I wish you an excellent feast.
Hello to Carol Brannigan, Mary Mc Auley and Jacqui Lamb. I was probably a year ot two ahead of you in school, so you may not remember me. However, it's always nice to catch up with peers! My name is Joan Mc Geough. I was a pupil at St. Margaret's Convent 1964-1970. Sr Patricia (RIP) was headmistress at the time. On leaving school, I became an FCJ sister, so you will now understand why I may be looking at the FCJ web site!       I don't know what became of Mary Mc Laughlan, I'm afraid. I do remember a teacher, Mary Ross, who became a sister of Notre Dame de Namur.       I hope you and all close to you are well,  God bless, Joan FCJ, Brussels, Belgium
Hello all former FCJ Convent Pupils I noticed that there was a message from a Mary McAuley and Carol Branningan - I think you may have been at St Margaret's in Paisley the same time as I was - 1965 - 1970. I then went to St Margaret's Convent in Edinburgh. I would dearly love to trace a wonderful teacher called Miss Mary McLaughlan - she became a Missionary - and I never saw her again. I hope you and your families are both well - it would be great to hear from you. (email)(email)(email)(email)(email)(email) Jacqui Lamb, Scotland
I am delighted to learn about the final vows of 3 new FCJs ! Hooray! Jennie Abbate, CiM , Portsmouth, RI
Dear Sisters, I was a student at St Aloysius, Phoenix Rd, Sommers Town, London from 1951 to 1956. I loved every moment and realise now how deeply I was influenced by the talented teachers ably led by the Headmistress, Mother Patricia. It was devasting for me when my parents decided that I should leave school. However I have since realised that learning is not just for the young. A move to Australia led to new opportunities and in due time I attended university. This resulted in a BA Hons and the discovery of a talent for research and writing. Having celebrated my 70th birthday last month I realise that there are some things I still need to do. First of those is a big thank to the FCJ Sisters for their guidance, example and  encouragement during my formative years. They played a crucial role in my life and I am grateful to them. May the mission of the FCJ Sisters thrive and grow so that many others can benefit as I have. I would love to hear from any of my fellow pupils especially Doreen Keane and Marie Rose Powell they have given me very fond memories. Does anyone know of their whereabouts? Wishing success and happiness to all. Eileen Teresa Bonnell (nee Brierley)
Does anyone have any photos for that celebration we had on that Saturday at the Metropolitan Cathedral.  I was the soprano soloist who travelled up from London in all adversity, an old St Victoire's Convent School girl with Josephine Clayton as my head teacher, who died just after my Dad died just a few months before that Mass.  I was unable to attend Jo's funeral as I'd only just buried my Dad, but came to sing and dedicate my solo to her.  Have been trying to get some photos of that occasion for more than a year and there was a photographer there, so I just wondered where they photos went? Many thanks, and a very happy New Year. Una Barry
I found your website by accident and it brought back many memories. As Pam Harris I lived in Chelsea and still live nearby in Pimlico. I would love to hear from anybody who remembers me.  EmailEmailEmailEmailEmailEmail       I have many happy memories of my time at St. Aloysius .Phoenix Rd. between 1951 and 1958. I realized long ago that the education I received there was second to none. We were encouraged to aim for the highest achievements academically, spiritually and personally. I am grateful for the care and discipline of the teachers and staff. I remember especially Miss Cunningham (English). Miss Worthington (Malhs), Mrs Hutchison (Science and Latin),  Mrs Thomas (Music).  Mother Theodore was headteacher followed by Mother Patricia. Mother Agatha was feared by all. She was the guardian of the skin length and uniform blemish as she stood on duty by the entrance, morning and evening. As I got older I recognised that behind her fierce appearance was a sense of humour. I also remember Mother Alice and dear Mother Dorothy.      I worked in industry for five years, gaining HNC qualifications in Chemistry, before marrying and spending twelve years at home bringing up three children. During this time I gained a B.Ed.Honours Degree at London University followed later by a Diploma in Education. I taught at local primary schools in Pimlico for twenty five years and loved every minute of it.      Thank you to the FCJs for the provision of such good education. Because of it I have lived a very happy and fulfilled life.      I would love to hear from anyone who knows me. Some names I remember are Pamela Sabini, Eileen Devitt, Rita Skillen, Pattie Smith, Pat Fitzgerald, Joy Clatworthy, Julie Francis, Valerie Bryant, Maureen McNicholas and Patricia Collins.       I saw on a message posted in 2001 from a Doug Shaw (Canada) the name Sister Francis McKenna.  I think this is the Francis McKenna I knew at Phoenix Rd. I remember her with much affection. She wore dark rimmed glasses and was very quiet and thoughtful but had a wicked sense of humour. She surprised as all at the end of VI form by announcing that she was entering the order of FCJs.       I am retired now, have been happily married for nearly fifty years, have nine grandchildren and spend my time between London and Brighton. I am still very active (swim daily) and tutor grandchildren for GCSE in Chemistry and French.  I hope that schools such as St. Aloysius, now Maria Fidelis, continue to thrive and provide the same solid education for many years. Pam Duley (née Harris), England
Buongiorno mia sorella, sono felice di fare la vostra conoscenza attraverso il vostro sito e sono stato toccato veramente dal vostro carisma e la vostra spiritualità ed amerò servire il Signore nella vostra congregazione.  Sono in una famiglia impegnata nella chiesa cattolica ed io stesso.  Sono Gwladys Estelle NGUIGNONG, sono della nazionalità del Camerun e sono a Yaoundé per i miei studi.  Vi auguro un'eccellente festa. Gwladys, Camerun
Translation: Hello Sisters, I am happy to make your acquaintance through your web site and I am truly touched by your charism, spirituality and loving service of the Lord in your congregation.  Both my family and I are committed to the Catholic Church.  My name is Gwladys Estelle Nguignog, from the Cameroon and I am at Yaoundé for my studies.  I wish you an excellent feast.
Hello to Carol Brannigan, Mary Mc Auley and Jacqui Lamb. I was probably a year ot two ahead of you in school, so you may not remember me. However, it's always nice to catch up with peers! My name is Joan Mc Geough. I was a pupil at St. Margaret's Convent 1964-1970. Sr Patricia (RIP) was headmistress at the time. On leaving school, I became an FCJ sister, so you will now understand why I may be looking at the FCJ web site!       I don't know what became of Mary Mc Laughlan, I'm afraid. I do remember a teacher, Mary Ross, who became a sister of Notre Dame de Namur.       I hope you and all close to you are well,  God bless, Joan FCJ, Brussels, Belgium
Hello all former FCJ Convent Pupils I noticed that there was a message from a Mary McAuley and Carol Branningan - I think you may have been at St Margaret's in Paisley the same time as I was - 1965 - 1970. I then went to St Margaret's Convent in Edinburgh. I would dearly love to trace a wonderful teacher called Miss Mary McLaughlan - she became a Missionary - and I never saw her again. I hope you and your families are both well - it would be great to hear from you. Email Email Email Email Email Email Jacqui Lamb, Scotland
I am delighted to learn about the final vows of 3 new FCJs ! Hooray! Jennie Abbate, CiM , Portsmouth, RI
Dear Sisters, I was a student at St Aloysius, Phoenix Rd, Sommers Town, London from 1951 to 1956. I loved every moment and realise now how deeply I was influenced by the talented teachers ably led by the Headmistress, Mother Patricia. It was devasting for me when my parents decided that I should leave school. However I have since realised that learning is not just for the young. A move to Australia led to new opportunities and in due time I attended university. This resulted in a BA Hons and the discovery of a talent for research and writing. Having celebrated my 70th birthday last month I realise that there are some things I still need to do. First of those is a big thank to the FCJ Sisters for their guidance, example and  encouragement during my formative years. They played a crucial role in my life and I am grateful to them. May the mission of the FCJ Sisters thrive and grow so that many others can benefit as I have. I would love to hear from any of my fellow pupils especially Doreen Keane and Marie Rose Powell they have given me very fond memories. Does anyone know of their whereabouts? Wishing success and happiness to all. Eileen Teresa Bonnell (nee Brierley)
Does anyone have any photos for that celebration we had on that Saturday at the Metropolitan Cathedral.  I was the soprano soloist who travelled up from London in all adversity, an old St Victoire’s Convent School girl with Josephine Clayton as my head teacher, who died just after my Dad died just a few months before that Mass.  I was unable to attend Jo’s funeral as I’d only just buried my Dad, but came to sing and dedicate my solo to her.  Have been trying to get some photos of that occasion for more than a year and there was a photographer there, so I just wondered where they photos went? Many thanks, and a very happy New Year. Una Barry